Outgoing students

General information

Students can participate in three different Erasmus programs:

  • Erasmus+  Study
  • Erasmus+ Traineeship
  • Erasmus Extra EU

To participate in the Erasmus Traineeship and Erasmus Extra EU programs, you have to identify the place where you would like to spend a period for  the traineeship of at least two months in collaboration with a Professor of DISCo who works on an area of your interest and who can propose you the place (University/Company) where you can spend your Erasmus period.


  • For Erasmus+  Study (to attend classes and take exams) there is only one selection period during  the year, usually in January.
  • For Erasmus+ Traineeship there are two selection periods during  the year, usually in February and July.
  • For Erasmus Extra EU there are two selection periods during  the year, usually in February and July.

Detailed information about the Erasmus programs and the calls for applications are available at the University portal.

Destinations for the current Accademic Year may be found in the document titled Destinations.


Erasmus Program 2024-2025 - (Presentation 2024 Dec 6th)

Erasmus Program 2024-2025 - (Presentation 2024 Jun 10th)

  • University of Oslo - Managing technical and architectural debt, Architectural smell prioritization, Migration to microservice architectures. (ask to: francesca.arcelli@unimib.it)

  • University of Poznan -  Code representation and analysis using ML, code maintenance and evolution, incl. metrics, techniques and predictions. (ask to: francesca.arcelli@unimib.it)

  • TU Wien - Quality control (testing and checking) of Cyber-physical Systems developed with Simulink (ask to: leonardo.mariani@unimib.it)

  • TU Wien - Design of Sustainable AI-based Services for edge/IoT computing.  (ask to: leonardo.mariani@unimib.it)