
The Department comprises the following bodies:

  • Director
  • Department Council
  • Board
  • Teaching Coordination Councils
  • Students and Professors Joint Committee

For certain specific management and/or assistance activities, the Director can establish Commissions to support teaching or research activities, and establish the duration of their mandates. The Director appoints Commissione members subject to approval on the part of the Department Council.

The Director of the Department is Professor

Marco Antoniotti,

since 1st October 2018.


The Vice-Director of the Department is Professor

Giovanni Denaro

The Department Council is composed by:

  • professors and researchers that belong to the Department;
  • administrative representative of the Department;
  • representative of the technical and administrative staff;
  • representatives of the students enrolled in PhD courses held by the Department;
  • representatives of the post-docs working in the Department;
  • representatives of the students enrolled in bachelor and master degree courses held by the Department.


The Board assists the Director in the excercise of his functions, in the implementation of the decisions of the Council of the Department and in the ordinary management of the Department.

Composition- Three-year perdiod 2018/2021





Administrative representative


Presidents of the Teaching Coordination Councils

  • Davide Ciucci (President of the Teaching Coordination Council of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Science)
  • Andrea Maurino (President of the Teaching Coordination Council of the Master’s degree in Data Science)


Elected members


Technical staff representative


The Teaching Coordination Council supervises the management of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses of the Department of Computer Science and consists of all the teachers who are responsible for a course (or a module) of the degree program.

President of the Teaching Coordination Council of the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science

Francesca Arcelli Fontana

President of the Teaching Coordination Council of the Master’s degree in Computer Science

Francesca Arcelli Fontana

President of the Teaching Coordination Council of the Master’s degree in Theory and Technology of Communication

Giuseppe Vizzari

President of the Teaching Coordination Council of the Master’s degree in Data Science

Andrea Maurino




The Students and Professors Joint Committee is competent to:



  • carry out monitoring activities of the educational offer and of the teaching quality as well as of the service activity by the professors and researchers to the students;


  • identity indicators for the evaluation of the results of the above activities;


  • formulate opinions on the activation and suppression of courses of study;


  • formulate opinions on the organization and regulation of courses of study;


  • assess the congruity between the number of credits assigned to the educational activitues and the educational objectives provided by the teaching systems; assess the total teaching load of the courses of study;


  • write an annual evaluation document of the educational activities to be sent to the Academic Senate, the Quality Committee, and the Evaluation Committee;


  • exercise any other function assigned by the current regulations and by the General Regulation of the University. 


Composition- Three-year period 2024/2027

Professors representatives:

Students representatives:

  • Gabriele Garrubba – Vice President
  • Amelia Maria Acuna Rodriguez

  • Martina Vignali